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Coronavirus doesn't care about the economy, just wants to kill people. Do you think next wave will be much more aggressive?

Posted - May 22, 2020


  • 5391

    Fair to say viruses aren’t cognizant of their activities, or they might become aware killing the host is not in the best interest of their own continued survival. 

    What I find troubling is how Covid-19 can be carried by some people without symptoms, and how it could mutate to be even tougher to handle. 
    We can likely agree no one wants to see another wave or waves, but clearly this is far from over; so let’s ponder for a moment how a new spike in infections would blow back on those leaders who pushed for re-opening too soon, against best available medical advice. 

      May 22, 2020 9:53 PM MDT

  • 13395
    I think when cancer recurs it often comes back more aggressive than the first time around.  That is the way viruses work. 
    Could be a tough winter season,  I been stockpiling catfood and non-perishable groceries just in case.
      May 22, 2020 10:12 PM MDT

  • 14795
    I think only thinking humans acutually kill indiscriminatly....viruses have no brains as such and only do things not out of hatred for something they can never ever see ...They are just part of all the other living species on this planet...they are just something like us that have evoled in to some thing that does what it does to servive...
    Crocodiles to kill and thing it can to eat and survive......there  must be some benifits to this planets  from nature letting such viruses evolve into what they have become...maybe it's just a way of providing food for other's not's just how it is for every living thing on this on this planet...nothing born has any right to life...every living thing ,no matter what you think is just one part of the food chain.....
    How ever you die and your body is disposed of....something some were is going to eat and recycle you eventually....
    May be the only way to stop that is to be fired off out into space....but maybe there is also something out there that has the ability to devour you to...
      May 23, 2020 2:55 AM MDT